
Save and find metadata about your files.

How it works

hashurfile stores metadata and sha256-hashes of files. The metadata will be stored in XML format. The hashes are used to identify files. Extra sender-hashes can be stored to identify the sender of an entry.

There are 2 kinds of entries:

There are 2 methods to use hashurfile: get.php and post.php, which is kind of selfevident, what it is useful for.


As the name suggests, you can pass a file hash to it using http-get-request, e.g.

and get in return a XML-metadata-set
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<dc:dcx xmlns:dc="info:lc/xmlns/dcx-v1" xmlns="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">
<title>The illuminatus! trilogy</title>
<creator>Wilson, Robert Anton</creator>
<creator>Shea, Robert</creator>
<identifier>Robert Anton Wilson, Robert Shea - The illuminatus! trilogy.mobi</identifier>
(If you use this in a browser, right-click the result page and "View page source".)

For illustration purpose, there is a rudimentary form to recieve XML from a hash
hash+XML GET form


Here you can post metadata in XML-format, a hash as unique ID for this entry and a sender hash to identifiy yourself.

In a html form this would look like

<form action="post.php" method="post">
	Hash:<input type="text" name="hash" size="100" maxlength="64"><br>
	Sender-Hash:<input type="text" name="sender_hash" size="100" maxlength="64"><br>
	Free it from ownership<input type="checkbox" name="free_from_ownership" value="1"><br>
	<textarea name="xml" cols="100" rows="40"></textarea><br>
	<input type="submit" value="submit">

The field names have to be hash, sender_hash, free_from_ownership (optional) and xml. The hash values have to be exact 64 hex characters. If you use the sender_hash, the database entry can only be overwritten by using the same sender-hash. So please store your sender-hash carefully somewhere!
sender_hash can be empty, which allows anybody to overwrite this database entry (and put his/her own sender-hash there and claim the entry).
If you post free_from_ownership=1 you can change an entry owned by you to an open entry. Already open entries will stay open.

The XML Metadata has a maximum of 2021 characters and has to be compliant to Dublin Core Extended (DCX) schema "info:lc/xmlns/dcx-v1" from Library of Congress.

All the relevant XML-Schemas can be found here:

All non ASCII-characters have to be HTML encoded. For a valid XML-entry example, look up at the get.php-paragraph.

For illustration purpose, there is a rudimentary form to register an entry and send XML
hash+XML POST form


Please feel free to write your own clients!

In Linux-Enviroment you can use the first attempt of a command line interface written in Perl.
DOWNLOAD hashurfile CLI

hashurfile ver. 0.5

Usage: hashurfile [OPTION] [FILE]

-h                              this help

-p                              post hash and filename of FILE to hashurfile.org

-d                              don't overwrite existing entry

-e                              post with empty sender hash (means, this can be overwritten and occupied by anyone)
                                note: only works either for new entries or you are the owner of this entry or it's an open entry

-b <EAN/ISBN>                   autofill entry for a book (get metadata from amazon (worldcat not implemented yet)

-i                              autofill entry from file's metadata in case of pdf

-t "<dc_element>=value"         provide a value for a dc_element, see dcx.xsd for possible dc_elements
                                this overwrites -b and -i and can be used multiple times

-g                              get entry of FILE from hashurfile.org

-s                              simple output (just the <identifier>-tag of XML)

-c                              create sender hash using dd, sha256sum, /dev/urandom and /tmp from shell (this will be stored in ~/.config/hashurfile.cfg)

-v                              verbose

To provide an entire directory, use find at the linux console

find <some-directory-path> -type f -exec hashurfile -p -e {} \;
For this PERL-script to run you need a bunch of PERL-modules. In Linux install them as root like
cpan LWP::UserAgent HTTP::Response HTTP::Request::Common Getopt::Long File::Basename XML::Entities HTML::Entities Text::BibTeX File::Type PDF::API2 utf8 Data::Dumper


No warranty. No warranty! No warranty at all. This service works as long as it works. Your data is not safe with this service. Please do not store anything you wouldn't show to your parents or any government! If anybody complains, the maintainer of this service can remove any dataset or any partial dataset whenever He wants. Once you have stored data in this database this data belongs to this service. The maintainer of this service can use this data to whatever He wants. Because this service is open and public, anyone else could use this data to whatever anyone wants. Do not store anything which is illegal in any country!
We are one planet. We are one internet.


Please report any abuse of this service to abuse@hashurfile.org first.
